Into the Woods – Nyack Family Photographer

*One* of the really amazing parts of living and working as a Nyack family photographer are the gorgeous Palisades Mountains. Being from the West Coast originally, I admit to being a little bit of a mountain snob. Out west, we like our mountains big, steep, and away from the city. So, it’s taken some getting used to with the smaller ranges in the New York metro area. However, it’s pretty amazing that I can be in Nyack one moment, and literally in a mountain forest 5 minutes later. Mountains make me happy.

So, when I get the chance to photograph a family who’s up for an adventure, into the woods we go. This particular day, I had two adorable kids ready to play, and a supporting cast of parents and grandparents who were ready to play with them.

I love the vibrant yellows and golds of an early autumn. It just feels like a beautiful blanket being wrapped around them.

Nyack Family Photographer

And, here, when Miss Katie was looking up to the light peaking thru the beautiful trees. I love the how peaceful and still it feels.

Tallman Mountain State Park

While his sister may have loved exploring the forest, Noah had designs on whooping it up. You just can’t fault a boy for finding so much enjoyment playing outside, with his family in tow. We were lucky that afternoon to find two such willing frogs who wanted to race…even if his pants were falling off. True frogs don’t quit 🙂

Tallman Mountain State Park

As much as I love to play with the kids during a session, I always make a point to photograph the parents on their own as well. I think of my own husband and myself and how rare it is that we take a picture together, just the two of us. And, you know, it always stops me in my tracks. Our spouses are the reasons we have the families we do. It’s so important to remember why we chose them. So, for me, getting a few shots of the parents sans kiddos is just as important as capturing the fun and joy of their children.

Tallman Mountain State Park

And, no fall family portrait would be complete without a frolic among the leaves. Katie and Noah certainly knew what they were doing.

New York Family Photographer

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