The Warm & Fuzzies – New York Photographer

It’s always fun when my work is appreciated. Honestly, it’s reaffirming to know that others like what I do….gives me the warm and fuzzies. So, when I was contacted by Lensbaby in October, I was floored!
For those of you who don’t know, Lensbaby is an international specialty lens company. Much like Canon makes fish eye or tilt-shift lenses. Lensbabies are meant to be creative, to push normal boundaries in imagery. I LOVE mine!
Every time I’m in a creative rut, which can happen often as a New York photographer in winter, I immediately reach for either my Lensbaby or my macro lens. They force me to think about what I’m shooting in a different way and be extremely deliberate in my composition and focus.

So, I have a Lensbaby…specifically, a Composer Pro with Edge 80 Optic. It’s lightweight, versatile, and just plain fun! It functions like a traditional tilt-shift lens in that you get a slice of focus out of your frame.

Nyack State Beach

So, imagine my shock when I received an email from Lensbaby asking to use a particular image of mine in their upcoming advertising campaign! I mean, it’s pretty much every photographer’s dream to be recognized that way. Oddly, the image they chose wasn’t actually one of my favorites, but I do love it. Mostly, because I took it during a photography girls’ trip with two of my very closest friends (who are also rockin’ photographers). Any time we can marry a once-in-a-lifetime experience with creativity, it makes for great imagery!

New York Photographer

In the spirit of the winter season, to see more of my landscape and environmental work, check out the gallery page!
And, even though I love it most for landscapes, I routinely use my Edge 80 for people pictures too!

Rockland Lake State Park

Thanks, Lensbaby, for the nod 😉 You gave me the warm & fuzzies.

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