It’s a funny thing, being a mother…watching those tiny humans wandering around in the world is a bit like cutting out our hearts and watching them walk round outside our chests. Don’t get me wrong; I am certainly not a helicopter mom. I’ve let my kids get their bumps and bruises, and learn how to physically and mentally navigate the world a bit independently (within reason). I’ve let them struggle through a problem to try to solve it on their own. But, still…those are my babies. They are a part of me. I’ve been with them every.single.step.of.the.way.
And, today, my two tiny humans…that started out as the only two surviving embryos in a little petri dish…today, they end their sixth year on this planet. They struggled; they survived; they lived. And, today, they are six.
We traversed (not so gracefully) prematurity and infancy. We gleefully embraced toddlerhood. We trepidatiously adventured into preschool. We bounced into kindergarten. And, today, we are six.
They are the most glorious things I have ever done. They are resilient, happy, energetic, inquisitive, independent, loving, honest, kind, stubborn, compassionate, lively, loud little people.
Today, we turn six. Today, we are truly exiting all those monumental moments of early childhood, and rolling right on up to elementary school.
We ride the bus.
We do our chores. We sing. We dance. We build machines. We create fairy houses. We invent squirrel traps. We plant gardens.
We clean up the neighborhood with our trash grabbers. We take care of our dogs. Because, today we are six.
As parents, it’s our job to teach our kids to be kind, honest, curious, brave human beings. To encourage their dreams. Kiss their boo boos. Show them the world. But, I’m often in awe of just how much they teach me.
Molly is a fiercely independent, protective, strong-willed, curious little lady. She loves gardening, and worms, and fairies, and science, and her dog Rufus, and her family. She is so sweet and kind, and attentive to the people and animals she loves most. I hope she always dreams big, digs in the dirt, and uses that stubborn streak for the things that matter.
Wyatt is a fireball. He is atomic energy and soft cuddles all at the same time. He loves superheroes, and building machines, and swimming, and helping me around the house, and being outside. He wears his heart on his sleeve and feels things deeply. He is honest and exuberant and kind. I hope he is always affectionate with the people/things that matter, and that he perseveres even when it’s hard.
So, now we are six. And, while I mourn the end of this early chapter of their lives, and wish desperately that I could freeze them just like this for forever (I really do); I’m so looking forward to all the adventures yet to be had.
Molly & Wyatt, my Twinkles,
Happiest of happy birthdays. I’m so proud of who you are as people, as siblings, as my kids. Even though Dad and I might get frustrated at times, you are the very very best things we have ever done. May your roads be long and well-traveled. May your hearts mend when they break. May you find happiness after sorrow. May you always be able to find your way home.
Be kind. Be curious. Be bold….just be you.
No matter where you go, or what you do…
Now We Are Six
-A.A. Milne
When I was one,
I had just begun.
When I was two,
I was nearly new.
When I was three,
I was hardly me.
When I was four,
I was not much more.
When I was five,
I was just alive.
But now I am six,
I’m as clever as clever.
So I think I’ll be six
now and forever.
Honest & Natural Nyack Family Photographer
Gina specializes in natural & emotive storytelling images. Using carefully chosen locations to provide a backdrop for each family’s story, she is able to create an adventurous and fun-filled session atmosphere. Visit the Session Info page for more details.
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