Kara and Dave first contacted me right after little Miss Lucy was born, because I did the newborn photos for friends of theirs previously (check out cute Mr. G HERE). Being a newborn photographer in Westchester NY has its perks, chief among them that I’m central enough to be able to travel between friends and relatives in the tri-state area. It might not seem like a terribly huge deal to you, but to me? I really love getting to meet the spiderweb of important people in my clients’ lives (beyond just your immediate families). It’s like looking at the kaleidoscope of colors in a Kandinsky painting (my fave btw – you can check out some of his work at MOMA).

So, I got to meet Miss Lucy on a rainy weekend morning, with her mom and dad dutifully in tow.
The morning we spent together perfectly illustrates precisely why I love in-home newborn sessions. We get to tell so much more of your story in the landscape of your own home. And, frankly, it’s just easier for mom, dad, and kids.

I remember what it was like when our kids were brand new. Almost no sleep (I’m not being hyperbolic here), forgetfulness, the need to just shower. I had zero interest in trying to make myself decent and then schlepping all the baby crap out the door (in the rain or sun). It just was not happening. Hence, my love of home newborn sessions.

So, on this gray NY day, I visited the home of sweet Lucy… I marveled at her adorable little nursery with all its flamingos. I smiled as Dave and Kara each tried to soothe her little tears. And, I enjoyed seeing them comfortable in their own space.

I know sometimes people worry that their homes might not be “camera-ready.” And, while Dave & Kara’s home is admittedly gorgeous, let me ease your mind. The point is not the clutter on the kitchen counter or the laundry hamper overflowing. The point is, however, YOU. My own house is 1300 square feet – small by many modern standards. There are often Legos on the floor, shoes by the door, dishes in the sink, papers on my desk, or the other detritus of our days strewn about. But, it’s us. Your homes are your families. They are lived in and loved.

So, as Miss Lucy’s family was beautifully documented for her arrival. Don’t be afraid to tell story of the life lived in your own homes too.
Westchester NY Natural Newborn Photographer
Gina specializes in honest & emotive storytelling images. Using the family’s home as a backdrop for their story, she is able to create a relaxed and natural session atmosphere. Visit the Details page for more details.
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