You know, we all have those moments – loud ones, quiet ones, the ones in between. To be honest, the in-between moments are my favorites. It’s like getting a little peek into someone else’s world. Even in my own personal photographs, I lean towards the images of my kids and family (dogs included) that aren’t perfect…that embrace the messy/loud/busy pace of our life together.
Those little, teeny, tiny moments really do fly by (I’m embracing a tired cliche here, I know). But they do! I mean, it wasn’t that long ago that our son was immobile on the floor or that our daughter had all of her perfect little baby teeth in her head. The important things happen when we’re not paying attention.
So for me, as a mom and as a photographer, the images that are most special are the ones that tell the story of all those regular everyday moments…the in-between times that we’re not paying any particular attention to. I love them.
I love being able to look back at the morning everyone was piled in our bed and still too sleepy to wake up.
I love looking back at Wyatt cuddling with Ruby while watching a movie on a snowy day.
I love seeing Molly’s amazing bed head fresh from a night of sleep.
I love seeing the kids reading and laughing together in Wy’s room.
I love watching them playing the snow…
Or swing on the swings at the park…
Or breakdance in the kitchen.
Or twirl in the river when searching for seashells at low tide.
Life’s best moments (for me, anyway) aren’t the ones that are big and planned. They’re almost always at home, in our little village. They’re messy. They’re loud. They’re mad, sad, glad, and everything in between. They’re the in-between ones that are the best. Go live them!
Joyful & Honest Rockland County Child Photographer
Gina specializes in modern & emotive family imagery. By focusing on the relationships of parents and their children, she is able to go beyond the standard pose and capture the true emotion of her clients’ relationships. Visit the Session Info Page for more details.
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