Love is a verb. It’s not an idea. It’s not a feeling. It’s not a belief.
Love is a verb.
It is the act of doing, of showing the people who matter most that we care. It’s that small cuddle with mom even though she’s not a little girl anymore.
It’s getting dirty on the floor and soaking up his baby giggles.
It’s dancing in the middle of a public park because you know she’ll love it.
Love is a verb.
Love is in the everyday moments…the cranky moments. The sad moments. The happy moments. The special moments.
Love is a verb. And, today, I hope you’re showing your someones just how much they mean to you.
Soulful & Modern Nyack Family Photographer
Gina specializes in soulful, but modern family imagery. By focusing on the relationships of parents and their children, she is able to go beyond the standard pose and capture the true emotion of her clients’ relationships. Visit the Session Info page for more details.
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