So, last year, I completed a Project 52 (one photo each week). It was hard…really hard. It wasn’t difficult because making one image each week was difficult; let’s be honest, I regularly shoot dozens of frames in a week. It was difficult because each week I had to make an image that corresponded with a specific set of song lyrics. It doesn’t sound hard, but when I’m challenged to “walk down to electric avenue” (or whatever it happened to be), I was sometimes left scratching my head. It really was an awesome exercise in creativity and forced me to think differently in my approach often. I was regularly pushed out of my comfort zone…and that was a very good thing for me. It resulted in some of my favorite images ever.
But, I’m a working Nyack family photographer, and so I was also challenging myself to include my own family in that personal project. I’m so often documenting clients, that my own kids/husband/mother/sisters/etc. get the short end of the stick. So, this was important. And, it’s done. I finished it. All 52 images. I’ll eventually get around to posting the entire shebang. But, for now, I’m focusing on the first day…of 2015…and my project 365.
One image, EVERY day. Sounds like a lot, but here’s why I’m not freaking out. There are no lyrics, no themes, no words. Just pictures. My life in pictures. That’s exciting for me. So, I give you “the first day” of the rest of the year. It’s more than one, but we were having a bed jumping party and, well, it was fun! Lots of laughter and joy – the perfect start to 2015.
Happy New Year to each and every one of you! There are a lot of Nyack family photographers, so thank you for following this one.
Check out this recent post of some of my favorite sessions from 2014. And, I’ll see you this year!
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