Each year, it’s fun to look back on the hundreds (eh hem, thousands) of images I’ve shot, both personally and professionally. It’s a quick trip down memory lane, revisiting all of the fun things my family and I have done together. And, the wonderful new families I’ve met!
So, without further ado, I give you my favorite 15 personal images taken in 2015.
15) In the dead of winter, particularly a winter like we had last year, fun can be hard to come by…particularly if a certain small fry refuses to go sledding with his mother. Being a superhero stuck indoors is tough work.
14) This summer was filled with so many firsts in our house. It truly was the happiest two months of our family life ever. Wyatt learned how to dive, and Molly swam underwater for the first time.
13) Each spring Molly helps me plant flowers in the pots on our little patio garden. Wyatt usually just ends up digging holes in the dirt. These little pink beauties came by way of The Home Depot and we managed to keep them alive thru the beginning of fall!
12) This summer, we took the kids to the beach for the very first time (or at least the first time they remember it). Wyatt LOVED every single second he spent in the water. And, Molly thoroughly enjoyed her bathing beauty status.
11) Fall leaves. Need I say more? My Captain Crazy was outside jumping in the gigantic piles every. single. afternoon. He has the best giggle.
10) The Nyack Village viewing pier was just opened this past October. We hadn’t yet been to see it. Beautiful morning light, low tide and cocoa in the park seemed like the perfect excuse. I just love the happiness rolling off of her.
9) Each year, we head into the city to visit “the big tree.” It always involves a first stop at the Tarrytown Train Station. I love the documentary feel of this, and the fact that it pretty much sums up every single one of the people in it. Wyatt is a goofball. Steve is always ready to prevent serious bodily injury. And, Molly’s wandering off doing her own thing. My people.
8) The big tree expedition also gives me the chance to see my favorite building in NYC. I love the Chrysler Building. It’s such a gorgeous illumination of human ingenuity. And, light. I’m a sucker for it.
7) We had basically no rain all summer. What the heck! So, the first time we heard serious drops falling from the sky, the kids were more than happy to play in it with me for a few minutes!
6) Let me just say, this was HARD. Spinning around in circles, whilst trying to stabilize the camera and fire a remote shutter at the same time. Oy! But, for me, it was so worth it! We were having so much fun together…I love it when he laughs. His whole face lights up.
5) This was the summer of the swimming pool. They would have slept there if I let them! I love this picture of Molly…with her special button (she has an umbilical hernia), and her sweet little girl swimsuit. The light, the reflection off the water, the perfect little girl…this makes my heart happy. It says absolutely everything I want it to say.
4) The year the Supermoon was eclipsed. Let me say this, it was SPECTACULAR! I spent all night outside, photographing the moon that evening. Even though the eclipse was really so cool (our universe really is awe-inspiring), my favorite from that night was the rise of the Supermoon.
3) I love this. I had this idea in my head for a while, but didn’t want to force it. So, when Wyatt asked me to help him build a fort one afternoon last Spring, I was more than happy too!!! This image was actually picked up by National Geographic, which was exceedingly humbling. I love Wyatt here. Mischievous to the core.
2) It was cold outside. She was sick. And, she was not happy in the slightest that we couldn’t go to the library. There are some days that happy just isn’t called for. Emotion, whatever emotion, is a beautiful thing. For me, it’s all about her gorgeous & sad baby blues. I don’t think I’ll ever let this one go.
1) My family. My people. They support all of my crazy ideas, and are (usually) willing participants. 2015 was the year in which I made a point to photograph us TOGETHER. It’s a rarity for all four of us to be in one frame at the same time. So, while I love the pictures of us being goofy and silly and just spending time together, for me, this is us. We made a special morning out of what would have otherwise been just another day. We dressed up, went and played and photographed at my studio…and then we had Chinese food together in our dress-up clothes. Making something special out of something terribly ordinary is a pretty extraordinary in my book.
What are your favorite 15 of ’15? I’d love to see them!
Joyful & Honest Rockland County Photographer
Gina specializes in modern & emotive family imagery. By focusing on the relationships of parents and their children, she is able to go beyond the standard pose and capture the true emotion of her clients’ relationships. Visit the Session Info page for more details.
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