I am quite horribly behind in blogging sessions from the past several months. Literally, from July on, personal and professional obligations just got in the way. But, winter is here, which means I now have some time to look back and remember the fun that we all had! So, hold on to your hats and glasses kids, you’re in for a run ride as I make my way back thru some really fun client sessions over the next little while.
Photographing children and families in the lower Hudson Valley takes me to both sides of the river frequently. It’s true, I’m a Rockland County photographer (or Rockland County-ish), but my clients come to me from all over the area. And, this past year was no exception. 2014 seemed to be the year of the extended family session. Ranging from 8 to 33 people! (No, that’s not a typo).
Yes, we get the large group shot. It’s invariably posed because, with that many people, chaos rains supreme otherwise. But, what I really love about extended family sessions is watching the interactions between the grandparents and grandchildren, young cousins, adult siblings…these are the things we don’t normally see in a typical family session. While that large group shot is a commemoration of everyone collectively deciding to be together and to remember their time with one another, it’s those small moments that draw me (as a photographer and observer) the very most.
There is such emotion in a small touch or a quick glance between adult relatives.
And, there is such absolute joy shared between grandparents and their grandchildren. The utter love and pride shown for a grandchild, and the unadulterated excitement of a child having their grandparents close…that’s exactly what it’s about. Growing up, I was amazingly lucky to have three grandmothers – all of whom I adored utterly and completely. Without a doubt, Without A Doubt, they were the three most influential people in my life. I learned how to garden. I learned how to sing. And, I learned how to play a killer game of cards. Those small moments are what make up a family…the things our kids will remember well into adulthood. Photographing those memories is the modern answer to the family tree…
I hope you’ve enjoyed this trip down memory lane with me. Visit the gallery if you’d like to view more of my family portfolio.
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