My love affair with the mountains began before I could walk. I’ve felt the heat of the campfire on my face…the dirt from miles of trails embedded in my boots. The roar of rivers singing in my ears. Sadly, these wild places have become a rarity in our modern world. I have often wondered if it wouldn’t be better to return to a place and time where we can all find that kind of connection to the elements. This is how “58” began. Out of my longing to expose my own children to the wilderness, to let them see the limitless stars in the night sky, to experience the feeling of smallness in the midst of such vast space. To encourage wonder. “58” will document the exploration of all of our nation’s National Parks. Beginning in Virginia and ending, in about 14 years or so, in Alaska. Come on a journey with us as we follow the call of the wild.


- Rebecca W.

“She has a way about her that helps you forget that you are in front of a camera and is able to create natural, beautiful photographs.”

- Tara C.

“Beautiful photos of our family with our dog before he passed...”